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grocery online shopping


Is It Worth It? Harris Teeter Express Lane Online Shopping

August 29, 2015
Harris Teeter Express Lane Online Grocery Shopping

ht-logoI have been using Harris Teeter’s Express Lane Online Shopping pickup service for several months now, and I will never go back to doing my weekly shopping routine in-store (yes, it is COMPLETELY worth it and NOT expensive for even a nonexistent budget – and I’ll explain why below). But, it could be better. Like most things the experience is only as good as the people running it, and I’ve experienced both extremes.

For the purpose of this review, the grocery store that I use is Stone Ridge’s Harris Teeter in Aldie, just outside South Riding and Chantilly. Each Harris Teeter has a similar setup, which includes a dedicated “Express Lane” directly in front of the building with a push button call box. Continue Reading…